Keep up to date with the latest financial news and advice by reading our blog – Insight finance Solutions Ltd.

7 Steps to Stop Business Burnout

As businesses have faced their toughest quarter thanks to the pandemic, I am seeing more and more business owners suffering from burnout. As a coach alongside my accountancy expertise, I wanted to share my top seven steps to stop business burnout.

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COMING OUT OF COVID: WEEK 1 – Getting Help & Planning

As an accountancy advisor working hard with clients all over the UK I wanted to do my bit to reduce the overwhelm and help business owners with a four week plan to get out of COVID-19 and get back open. Every week throughout June I will release an article with action steps that you can follow to ensure you are ready to reopen.

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What to expect from your accountant at the moment

These last two months have been the craziest weeks of my entire career. They have also been the most rewarding in anything I have ever done in my working life. I have been humbled and it has been an absolute honour to help people make sense of this time. This is WHY I became an accountant and I just hope yours is helping you too.

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Don’t Fall into the Dividends Trap

With current global economic situations presenting many challenges for businesses and business owners it is important to remember the Dos and Don’ts of Dividends.

Read our latest blog and advice on how best to pay yourself in the pandemic if you are not operating in profit.

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Keep up to date with the latest financial news and advice by reading our blog – Insight finance Solutions Ltd.