Accountants are all the same, right? Grey suits, stern faces, scary offices and confusing jargon when explaining your business accounts. WRONG! At Insight Finance Solutions Ltd, we are changing the accountancy game and helping you feel positive about your business finances. Find out why we’re awesome in our latest blog…

Cloud Based Accountancy

Have you ever dreaded, or avoided, visiting your accountant? Feel like you’re visiting the Headmasters office for a finger wagging session? Not with us!

We don’t have big fancy, glass fronted offices that your usual accountancy firm may have, simply because we don’t need it! We don’t want or need the massive overheads that a premises like that entails and in turn, this means that we pass our savings onto you.

Our vision is for businesses of all sizes to have access to sound financial advice and support, keeping our costs low means we’re probably more affordable than you think!

The whole team work remotely using cloud based software, so our office is wherever you need us to be. We can visit you at your offices, meet at a coffee shop or even work over Zoom call – whatever works best for you!

Monthly Fixed Fees

Are you worrying about your finances but scared to pick up the phone and receive another MASSIVE bill just for confirmation of what you already knew? Yeah, we’re not into that either.

We charge one fixed monthly cost with no hidden extras, so that you can call us without dreading another invoice for a simple question!

We’re on Your Team!

We are personable and want to get to know you and your business so that we understand your goals and any challenges you may face so that we can help you to grow – rather than just seeing you as numbers on a piece of paper.

With monthly calls & meetings so that you have a “real time” idea of where your accounts and cashflow are, to help keep on track with you goals and keep going when it’s tough. We can even work with your existing year end accountant to fill the gap between the day to day and year end to help make that part of your business finances less stressful for you. We are always here to answer any questions or concerns you may have, at the time that you have them!

We Aim To Empower You!

We are all about building your confidence with your finances and will provide you with any relevant training, show you what you need to do, and are always here to support you if you’re unsure.

Our clients often want to know if they can afford something, whether that’s new software, coaching or a new team member and we want you to be confident in answering those questions yourself, because you should understand your business finances better than anyone else. Our training will help this to become a reality, and, in the meantime, we’ll be able to answer any questions you have in a jargon free, stress free way.

Money Mindset

We love to talk about money, yet for many it’s still a taboo subject. After all, in schools, sex education is more common than how to manage finances! That means we tend to learn about money subconsciously from observing the talk and behaviour of our nearest and dearest as we grow up.

Quoting for our services and chasing payments can leave us unsure of ourselves or afraid to be seen as “rude”, which can leave us feeling mentally exhausted, which doesn’t leave you the energy to work in your business as efficiently. We can help you to overcome these money blocks and remove the awkwardness around money conversations.

If you are struggling with limiting beliefs around your business finances, we are here to help!

Why We’re Awesome? We Have Fun!

One thing we hear a lot from our clients is that they have fun when we are around, which in itself is a lovely thing to hear! We do genuinely find finances so interesting and fun that we guess it’s going to rub off on you too! Money shouldn’t be scary, improving yourself and your business should be something that fills you with joy, not dread (or boredom!).

A lot of clients are worried that they’ll be told off about financial decisions they have made in the past, overdue tax bills and more – we aren’t here to frown disapprovingly at you, we’re here to help! Another reason that our clients give as to why we’re awesome! Your accountant should be approachable so that you can ask the questions you need the answers to, that’s us!

We Work With Businesses of All Sizes

Have you ever found yourself looking for a tiny accountancy firm when starting up your business. This is something we often see as an unconscious block for clients who don’t believe they need or “deserve” a larger firm who perhaps deals with multi-million pound businesses.

We’re not snobs! We work with established companies and those just starting out and, more importantly; we want to work with YOU! Your balance sheet doesn’t reflect who you are as a person or as a business owner. Besides, who’s to say that with the right finance team behind you, your business can’t become a multi-million pound one too?

Are You Ready to Find Out Why We’re Awesome?

We love helping our clients to understand and enjoy their finances and we want to make it as stress free for you as possible. Book a call with us to discuss how we can help you by emailing