January is typically the time when we hit the ground running with 137 New Year’s Resolutions and a “can do” attitude, but how many of those resolutions do we keep up past January 31st? In this blog, Helen discusses why New Year’s Resolutions aren’t always the best thing for you or your business…


Why We Don’t Like New Year’s Resolutions

Don’t get us wrong, we LOVE setting goals and whether it’s January 1st, April 6th or the beginning of your own business year, the new “year” is always a popular time to start afresh.

HOWEVER – we don’t like the term “New Year’s Resolution” as, in our mind, they are whimsical and just a dream spoken out loud. We try to change so many things at once without a goal and give them all up by February. In fact, 80% of New Year’s Resolutions fail every year, which is a mind blowing statistic.

Instead of New Year’s Resolutions, we prefer the term goals. Goals with structure and creating daily habits are more likely to be achieved.

What Are Your Goals For 2024?

The New Year makes us panic into thinking we need to become a happier, thinner, more adventurous, more accomplished, ‘better’ version of ourselves, and this is often a toxic attitude – whether your goals are personal or business oriented. You’re starting from a negative mindset where you don’t feel “enough” and it can lead to deflated enthusiasm, we love working with clients to help show them how well they are doing and help them to become even better.

We know that the most popular goals for many in the New Year are to save money and lose weight.

You might want to save money, but it is important to invest in things that are going to help you and your business develop in a positive way. We don’t yet fully understand the implications of the current economic uncertainty, but I think we can all agree that each and every one of us has been affected, in some way or another.

The good news is that there are so many brilliant options for us to start building our confidence and working on our mindset. From online courses and workshops to free webinars, take time this year to invest in yourself – when you have a more positive outlook this naturally flows into the way you run your business, so you can both grow at the same time!

As for losing weight, why not book a call with us and lose the weight of stressful finances in 2024. We are qualified mindset coaches and can help you to understand and enjoy your finances!

How Are You Measuring Your Success?

Whether your resolutions are to overhaul or grow your business, drop a few lbs or even to simply drink more water, you should be measuring your successes and creating contingency plans to allow you to reach your goals – otherwise, how will you know when you’ve achieved your target? Failure to plan is planning to fail after all!

Have you got an accountability partner, a list on the fridge or a super detailed plan to help you to realistically hit your goals?

Why Planning Your Goals Clearly Helps Set You Up For Success

Over the last 7 years I’ve:

  • had two amazing children
  • left full time employment as a group accountant to set up a business doing what I love
  • grown the business to 6 figures in turnover with an awesome team who I’m very proud of
  • used said business to support and give back to our local community
  • moved house
  • bought a new car, then bought a new dream car!
  • found a gym I love and an exercise routine that excites me
  • made incredible new friends
  • been on holiday, tried new things and had new adventures
  • worked on average, 20-30 hours per week

All of this doesn’t happen by accident, it is not just luck and it doesn’t just fall in your lap.

It takes planning, goal setting and breaking these goals down into daily actions and habits to get yourself from where you are to where you want to be.

That’s why I always invest time and energy at the beginning of each year, to map out what I’d like to achieve over the next 12 months. We often over estimate what we can achieve in one month but under estimate what we can achieve in a year and that’s why my focus has been stronger since using Daily Greatness journals because it helps me map my goals out over the whole year.

By working with us, we can help you to create realistic goals which we can break down into weekly, monthly and quarterly plans to help you at every step of the way. We can review these regularly and put in place systems to allow you to stay on track without feeling overwhelmed.

Do you enjoy goal setting? What are your plans for 2024? We’d love to hear!!


Let Us Help You Achieve Your Goals This Year Without New Year’s Resolutions

Why not arrange a chat with us at Insight Finance Solutions? We love to make business finances seamless and stress free and our coaches can help you to break down your business goals for 2024 and beyond in a fun and friendly way! Contact us to arrange a time to chat.