HMRC To Waive Late Tax Return Fines But BEWARE!
If you have been impacted by the coronavirus and unable to fill in your tax return, HMRC will waive fines for those who file their self-assessment tax return late.
If you have been impacted by the coronavirus and unable to fill in your tax return, HMRC will waive fines for those who file their self-assessment tax return late.
When it comes to your business finances there’s a lot to take into account when picking a decent accountant. Here’s our guide of what to look out for, the red flags to avoid and what you can expect from a good accountant worth their weight in gold.
As part of our commitment to helping small businesses at this time, we are hosting free virtual business finance surgeries every Monday.
If you’re self-employed, the latest Self Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) grant application has been announced. With new eligibility criteria, find out the latest here
If you own and operate a hospitality business or are part of the hospitality supply chain and the new Tier restrictions are adversely affecting your business, we can help with our financial advice.
If you are a business that has been forced to close under the Tier system or operate very differently to normal, or you are a supply chain whose customers have been forced to close, then make sure you check if you are eligible for the local or additional restrictions grant with your local council.
Could your accountant be inadvertently scuppering your future plans to get a mortgage on that dream house you have your eye on? Read more about the questions that accountants should be asking their clients and how you can future-proof your future plans with your business finances.
With the announcement of a second England-wide lockdown beginning Thursday, November 5, 2020, many UK businesses are in an unavoidable position of closure. Government financial support changed rapidly and at the last minute to help this lockdown period. Helen distils the latest advice and guidance on financial support.
Check out my live interview with BBC broadcaster and communications specialist, Gemma Ray, on business burnout and how we’ve been helping clients to focus on self-care, clarity and planning ahead for beyond 2020.
It’s National Work-Life Balance week, and I think it’s perfectly timed to reflect the change of month, the change of season and change of natural energy stores. I’ve put together my top tips for work-life balance.